- 06/06/24- Club Assembly
- 06/13/24- Jim Bennett, RI Commerce
- 06/20/24- Committee Meeting Day
- 06/27/24- Charter Day Luncheon, Michael Grande
12:00 – 1:15 pm
Chelo’s (near the airport)
2225 Post Road
Warwick, RI 02886
*There are a small number of Thursdays that we meet outside of this venue for our fundraising Million Dollar Meals – meeting address is posted.
If you are interested in attending a meeting, please email Jessica Gosselin and let us know. She will confirm the date, and arrange to have someone to welcome you at the door!
Hi there. Former NY Rotarian here who now lives in RI. Work with JCS and manage Shalom affordable housing and Tamarisk Senior Living in Warwick. Would love to come speak to you about our programs and services. Let me know if that would interest you. Thanks.